Looking for great drawing lessons online?  Below, you'll find tutorials on a wide range of subject matter and media. This list is updated often and most of the drawing lessons include videos. All of the demonstrations are taught to you in an easy to understand and follow format. 

Looking for sequential instruction?

Tutorials offered are for art beginners, intermediate students, and advanced drawing students. Many of the lessons are free, but some do require membership. Explore all that is offered and expand your drawing ability and understanding.  TheVirtualInstructor.com also offers lessons on painting and digital art. There are over 400 instruction videos available and growing!  


Below you'll find links to single demonstration video pages. The following drawing tutorials are organized by drawing medium.

Charcoal Drawing TutorialsCharcoal Tutorials
Learn how to draw with charcoal, including vine, compressed, pigmented (white), and charcoal pencils through video demonstrations. (31 Lessons)
Colored Pencil Drawing TutorialsColored Pencil Tutorials
Learn how to draw with colored pencils.  Learn professional colored pencil techniques including layering, mixing colors, and burnishing with these video demonstrations (56 Lessons)
Pencil Drawing TutorialsGraphite and Pencil Tutorials
Pencil drawing lessons on a variety of subjects.  Learn how to draw with graphite with these video demonstrations. (90 Lessons)
Ink Drawing TutorialsInk Tutorials
Learn how to draw with ink.  Lessons on hatching and cross hatching, stippling, and ink wash. including mixed media. (26 Lessons)
How to Draw in a NutshellDrawing Concepts and Ideas
Learn drawing concepts and ideas including composition, drawing exercise, theory, observational skill building and more. (61 Lessons)
Pastel Drawing TutorialsPastel Tutorials
Learn how to draw with pastels including soft pastels, hard pastels, pastel pencils, and oil pastels. (49 Lessons)
Mixed Media TutorialsMixed Media / Printmaking Tutorials
Learn how to mix drawing media, including watercolor and colored pencils, watercolor and pen and ink, and more. (20 Lessons)


The drawing courses below are all offered as part of our membership program or you can take them individually.  These courses represent countless hours of hard work as an artist and a love for teaching. They have been developed as a collection of complete instruction, designed for beginner and intermediate artists. (Courses are also suitable as supplementary material for teachers to use in the classroom.)

Drawing Course Examples

This course is for beginner and intermediate artists and features over 300 minutes of HD video instruction and 178 pages of eBooks covering the true essence of drawing including the elements and principles of art, and a variety of drawing media and techniques.  (28 Modules)

The Secrets to Drawing Course

Colored Pencil Drawing CourseColored Pencil Drawings

“The Colored Pencil Course” is a members only video course on drawing with colored pencils.  Featuring over 5 hours of video instruction and 146 pages of eBooks, the goal of the course is to provide the student with a comprehensive experience with colored pencils. This course is designed to guide absolute beginners and intermediate artists to a level of producing professional quality colored pencil drawings through concise and “easy to digest” modules that include HD videos and Ebooks. (22 Modules)

Colored Pencil Course

Pen and ink Drawing CoursePen and Ink Course Images

“The Pen and Ink Experience” is a members only video course on drawing with ink.  Featuring over 2 hours of video instruction and 51 pages of eBooks, the goal of this course is to provide the student with a comprehensive experience with pen and ink. Designed for beginners, this course lays the foundation necessary for success with pen and ink. HD videos and Ebooks. (8 Modules)

Pen and Ink Course Link

Pastel Painting CoursePastel Landscape Drawings

“Pastel Landscape Mastery” is a members only video course on drawing landscapes using pastels. The goal of the course is to provide the student with the most comprehensive approach to drawing landscapes with pastels through easy to understand modules that include over 200 minutes (nearly 4 hours) of HD video and 148 pages of eBooks. (15 Modules)

Pastel Landscape Mastery Course


If so, please join over 16,000 people who receive weekly tutorials, articles, and 3 FREE COURSE VIDEOS and EBOOKS!  Just click on the button below to add your name!


What is Drawing?

Drawing is making any mark on any surface with any mark-making material. YOU can draw and these lessons are designed to help you draw better. 

How Can I Learn to Draw?

Drawing is not rocket science.  In fact, it is simple when you understand the true concept behind drawing.  Drawing is about seeing.  It is about looking at an object and understanding how you see it.  Then it is simply taking that information and putting it on a surface through a series of marks.   When you learn how to see as an artist, quality drawing naturally follows.  These lessons are designed to help you learn how to see as an artist, show you a few tricks that I've picked up along the way, and help you become simply better at drawing. With practice any skill can be learned. 

Understanding The Concept of Drawing

Many people look at objects, immediately forget what they see and draw what they think an object should look like.  Instead, when you draw, you should look for shapes, values, and lines and try to make those shapes, values, and lines on your paper.  When they are matched correctly, you get a drawing that's representational.  Forget what you think it should look like and just draw what you see!

As you can see, a huge part of learning how to draw is learning how to see. There isn't a magic formula for drawing well.  Instead, it's about practicing "seeing as an artist".  So many people think that it is more than that and that's when they hit a "brick wall", give up and say, "I can't". 

If the passion is there, then the skill can and will follow.  This means that if you have the passion for drawing, then the skill is possible for you to attain. 

As you grow and develop as an artist, keep this idea in mind.  You will face obstacles.  There will be days when your resolve is tested - and you will want to give up.  But keep in mind that skills are developed over time.  And perseverance manifests through passion.

My drawing skills have taken over thirty years to develop and there are still days that I hit "the wall".  I've learned that improvements can come all at once, or they can come slowly.  But as long as I'm working to improve myself - then I am growing. 

Keep this in mind as you grow in your own art. 

If you're looking for my very best advice for learning how to draw, check out my 10 tips on drawing...


Membership Program

Free Course Modules

The Secrets to Drawing Video Course

The Colored Pencil Course

The Pen and Ink Drawing Course

Pastel Landscape Mastery Course

Oil Painting Master Series

The Watercolor Course

Live Art Lessons

The Ultimate Art Lesson Plan


Tutorials by Subject